Ashtead Community Choir
Ashtead Community Choir is a free lunchtime community choir for adults. Its members include:
those working from home who would like a break from the desks during the day
people who are retired or working part-time
those who are in between jobs or not working for health reasons
parents/carers seeking respite and relaxation away from their caring responsibilities
The choir meets weekly on Wednesdays during term time from 1-1.45pm in St George’s Church. The aim of the choir is to offer a relaxing and enjoyable experience of singing with others. There is no audition, members do not need to be able to read music, and performances are infrequent, low key and informal.
The choir’s repertoire includes inspirational and sacred music in styles such as gospel, jazz, pop, folk (from the British Isles and beyond) and light classical music – anything that will spark joy for a group of mixed ability singers!
If you are interested in joining, you are welcome to come to a rehearsal to see whether it might be for you. Please get in touch with the choir director, Esther Jones, to find out more email esther.jones@ashteadparish.org.
The choir is part of the choral outreach programme at St Giles’ and St George’s, Ashtead, but church membership is not a requirement and we welcome people of all faiths and none.
Esther Jones is the Director of Music at St George’s and St Giles’ Ashtead. She is an experienced choral conductor who specialises in community music and education, and has run choirs in schools, churches, workplaces and local communities across the UK. She works with singers of all abilities - from complete beginners to experienced singers – and is in demand across the UK as a workshop leader, teacher and adjudicator. Her raison d’etre is to get people singing to improve their physical and mental well-being, to foster community and for the sheer enjoyment of it (and to train the next generation of choral leaders to do the same!).
There is limited parking in the St George’s car park and we ask that the able-bodied leave space for those with mobility problems who may be using the centre. It is possible to park on Barnett Wood Road until 2pm, and at the nearby Recreation Ground.
Please note that membership of Ashtead Community Choir is not suitable for those with advanced cognitive impairment or significant physical disabilities. We will endeavour to signpost anyone in this position to other suitable musical activities, such as the local dementia choir – and anyone is of course welcome to join the church services on Sunday mornings or evenings to enjoy singing hymns and worship songs with others in the congregation.
We regret that we also cannot accommodate children, i.e. those under the age of 18, even if they have a parent or carer present.
Ashtead Community Choir is generously funded by members of St Giles’ and St George’s Ashtead. We are committed to ensuring it is free to choir members but, should you wish to make a donation to support the community choir, you can do so in cash at a choir event, or make an electronic payment. Our bank details are:
Account name: Ashtead PCC
Sort Code: 12-20-26
Account Number: 01856792
Ref: Community Choir
Go to https://sgsgashtead.org.uk/give for further information about giving, including Gift Aid.