Lots of groups meet as part of our community. Interested in joining a group? Get in touch!
Oasis meets fortnightly during term time at St George's Christian Centre and is open to women of all ages. Come and meet new friends, explore topics of interest and simply relax for a moment in a busy week whilst enjoying hot drinks and delicious cakes! Each term explores a different topic led by the Oasis team and guest speakers. A free crèche is available for
pre-schoolers and home-schooled children. No charge and no booking required.
Tonic is a programme of events for women of all ages across the church, aiming to ‘refresh, inspire and equip’ us in our life and faith. We have four events a year which provide opportunities for us to grow in our faith and our relationships with each other.
Mothers’ Union (MU) meets at St George’s on the fourth Thursday of the month from 10-11:30am. We start with coffee, then have a speaker and finish with prayer. Everyone is welcome – you don’t have to be a mother! We hold an annual service to raise funds for the MU international Christian organisation, and a Christmas festive celebration with cakes and mince pies. As part of MU Guildford Diocese and the international organisation, there are opportunities for more local events beyond Ashtead.
Link group is a social gathering, meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, 2:30pm in St George’s. We enjoy a monthly newsletter and visiting speakers who are informative, thought provoking and entertaining. The afternoon ends with coffee and a chance to chat. There are outings throughout the year, a summer garden party and numerous fund-raising activities which support a different charity each year. Visitors are welcome.
A monthly Men’s Breakfast is run by Ashtead Churches Together. There is a diverse programme of speakers and topics to stimulate discussion and expand our understanding.
Evergreen runs monthly and offers companionship and fun! The afternoons vary and include entertainment. Tea and homemade cake is served, the afternoon concludes with a ‘thought for the day’ and prayer.
Evergreen Plus is a smaller group in number and each month we take an activity which we might do together, like singing. Coffee and biscuits are served.
Lifts are available for these groups.
Young Adults
For anyone aged from 18 up until about 30, our Young Adults group is actively involved in serving and leadership across the church. Bar & Bible meets once a month at The Woodman pub in Ashtead for a drink and discussion.