We believe church should be a place where children can have fun, make friends and explore their faith within a safe and welcoming community.

Upcoming Events

Kids Church

Kids Church meets across our Sunday morning services

St. George’s 10.30am: A relaxed service for all ages with a band
Children belong to one of three groups, including Little Kids (Under 5s), Reception-Year 2, Year 3-6. Children start off in the church with a time of singing, and after 10 minutes they go to their groups. There is a chill-out area at the back of the church for families.

St. Giles’ 10.30am: A relaxed service for all ages
Children belong to two groups, Age 3-Year 2 and Year 3-6, in the Dell Centre (lower level). Children start off in the church with a time of singing, and after 10 minutes they go to their groups. If you have children under 3 we have a Little Kids area in the North Transept of the Church. On the second Sunday of the month, children join the adults for communion.  

New to Kids Church, then we would love to add you to our register and let you know more about our events and socials.
Age 0-School year 13 form here

What are we looking at in Little Kids and Kids Church this term

Monday, 10am-11.30am at the Dell Centre (Lower level hall)

During the session under 5s, can freely play inside and outside in our enclosed play area. We will then pause halfway through the session to have a time of singing, a visit from Mr. Bible our Puppet, and hear a story from the Bible. We will then finish off with a craft and more toys. Refreshments are available in the first part of the session. Our vision for this group is that parents can meet lifelong friends with children the same age.

The session is £2.00 per family/child carer with a maximum of 3 children.
(If you are responsible for more than 3 children, please book an additional ticket for your adult helper, children cannot be shared across childcare settings)
Please book below.

Wednesday, 10am-11.30am at St George’s Church (Hall)

Our vision for this group is that parents can meet lifelong friends with children the same age. During the session, we encourage this by having free play for all, as well as crafts. We then finish off with a gathered time of singing. Once the session finishes, lots of families stay on and have lunch together in our café (please note only food purchased in our café can be consumed).

The session is £2.00 per family/child carer with a maximum of 3 children.
(If you are responsible for more than 3 children, please book an additional ticket for your adult helper, children cannot be shared across childcare settings)
Please book below.

Wednesday 10-11.30am at St. George’s Church (Parish Room)

Join us for a time when under-1s can play freely play and parents can chat with others while having a cuppa. At the end of the session, we join in with Toddler Play next door for a joint time of singing. Once the session finishes, lots of families stay on and have lunch together in our café (please note only food purchased in our café can be consumed).

The session is £2.00per family/childcarer and includes a drink and a snack.
Please book below.

Baby & Toddler Group Booking

Ladies of all ages are welcome to join us to relax, chat and enjoy free refreshments every second and fourth Friday at
St George's Christian Centre.

The programme theme for this term is creative and interactive, with sessions led by guest speakers, including baking, flower presentation, painting, Easter crafts and decoupage.

Free hot drinks and cakes as well as fully equipped crèche available (please book below)

Run by women from St George's church.
All welcome, no need to book for an adult, but please book if you would like a creche place below.


Stay Connected

Why not join one of our Facebook groups to stay in the loop?

You can also use our SGSG Kids Spotify playlist to worship at home.