We honour a faithful and generous God,
who invites us to share in building His kingdom.
A key component of discipleship is honouring God with our finances
We encourage everyone who attends our church regularly to offer something, however small or large, at a level that is affordable for you. We give what we can, so that God can do immeasurably more. Your financial giving enables:
our ministry to our parish and wider community; maintenance of our premises and churchyard; staff salaries and the resources to make church happen
10% of our freewill income to be given to support mission partners in the UK and overseas
payment of a significant annual ‘parish share’ to the Diocese of Guildford, to help fund the mission of the wider church
There are many ways to give but monthly standing order is most helpful for us. If you have any questions, please feel free to send us a message.
This is a brilliant way to give as we don’t lose a penny to transaction companies. Knowing we have regular committed giving helps us to plan ahead and to fulfil our ministry strategy. Or you can make a one off donation by bank transfer if you prefer. Please use the bank details and include the appropriate reference below.
Account name: Ashtead PCC
Sort Code: 12-20-26 | Account Number: 01856792
General Giving Reference: Gen.surname.initials
Vision Sunday Giving Reference: Vision25.surname.initials
Give Regularly by Standing Order
Gift Aid increases the amount of your gift at no cost to yourself. Through Gift Aid, St Giles’ and St George’s can recover the basic rate of income tax, currently 25p for each pound you give. If you are setting up a standing order or bank transfer and pay UK tax (Income or Capital Gains Tax) please complete this Gift Aid Form.
Don’t Forget Gift Aid!
2. Give with a Credit or Debit Card
If you would prefer to give using your card, please visit our donation page.*
You will be able to choose which church fund you would like your gift to go into and can set up Gift Aid for your donation too.
*NB some of your donation will go to transaction fees this way, so we encourage you to pay by standing order if regular, or bank transfer if this is a one-off gift.
3. Give As You Live
Raise free funds for us every time you shop online! Click here to sign up for Gives As You Live, and once you have signed up, you can opt-in to setting a reminder to your browser, which will remind you to collect donations on your purchases when you go onto participating websites.
4. Legacies
If you would like to find out more about leaving a legacy to the parish in your will, please contact our Treasurer in confidence (treasurer@ashteadparish.org).