
We support and partner with a number of organisations to serve others locally, nationally and globally.  10% of our annual freewill donations are given to our chosen world mission partners.

Monthly Mission Focus


Monthly Mission Focus *

Be Me Project is a local charity running bespoke emotional wellbeing courses to improve self esteem, confidence and managing emotions. We mainly work in secondary schools with boys and girls.

At the end of last year we celebrated our 10 year anniversary. We have grown from a 2 person outreach in 1 school to working in 18 schools.  It has been a privilege to now support nearly 700 young people per year and to see so many of them feel more positive about life/themselves and better able to embrace opportunities ahead.

“It was really chilled sharing thoughts and feelings in each of our lives, in a safe environment, to get stuff off my chest. I guess it made me think about how to deal with situations in life and feel a lot less stressed over them. I learnt all about me and that I’m worth just as much as anyone else” 

We are also delighted to re-launch our Bible study course - She Is Deeper -  based around Jesus’ encounter with the woman at the well, which explores our identity, truth and purpose. We are trialing this in a voluntary aided school in Dorking.

Overall, it is a challenging time as schools are reporting more difficult behaviour, increasing mental health problems and a significant level of non-attendance. As a result we are planning to continue to expand our work in Surrey and also find ways to give longer term support to beneficiaries and create a deeper presence in schools.

We are extremely thankful for the encouragement, prayers, volunteers and funding SGSG has given to us.

We would value prayers for:

●     That Be Me Project can provide a stepping stone towards transformation and enable people to thrive.

●     For discernment, resources and funding as we continue to expand our support of vulnerable young people

For more information please see our website: www.bemeproject.org or contact Sue Gledhill  (sue@bemeproject.org).

Ashtead Churches Together (ACT)

Together with St Michael’s Roman Catholic Church and Ashtead Baptist Church, we worship and serve in the local community.

The Good Friday Pond Service is held just off Barnett Wood Lane, and the Remembrance Sunday Service by the war memorial is deeply moving. We celebrate our unity with an annual service.

Food is also important, with our monthly Men’s Breakfast, and the Ashtead Village Day Tea Tent.

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’” Jesus

— Matthew 25:35-36