We all go through times in our lives where we need help.
Our team is ready to support you in whatever way is best for you.
Pastoral Leader - Sarah Moore oversees all the pastoral ministry within our church, she leads a large team of trained volunteers as well as a paid part-time Elderly Outreach Worker. The pastoral ministry is evaluated regularly to our ever-changing context and is foundational to our ministry of valuing everyone.
Pastoral Assistants - We have seven pastoral assistants who all have responsibility for different aspects of pastoral care. These range from mental health support, bereavement, general & hospital visiting, bereavement, families and much more. They have all received training and have volunteers helping them in various ways. There are many other trained lay leaders who are also part of our ongoing support to you. Our aim is to listen effectively and be present with you as you cope with different situations in your life.
Mental Health - Mary Frances Trust, a local charity, has much to offer those suffering as a result of mental health.
Parents and Carers can find support at Care for the Family, Family Links, Marriage Courses and Marriage Support