Youth Summer Singing Workshop
Over thirty children took part in the Ashtead Youth Choir Summer Holiday Singing Workshop at the end of August. Singers had the opportunity to develop their vocal and musical skills, learn new songs - as well as make new friends - and were able to share what they had learnt at the end of the day with an informal performance to parents and carers. Since then the choir has welcomed a number of new members, with additional singers attending our annual Open Evening last Tuesday. It's not too late for others to join though so please get in touch with if you know a child aged 7+ who loves to sing. Those in Year 9 and above can be part of the Young Leaders' Programme (which fulfils the 'skill' or 'volunteering' part of the Duke of Edinburgh award). Rehearsals are Tuesday evenings in the Dell Centre from 5.45pm and sessions include vocal warm-ups and musical games as well as learning songs for performances. The choir is looking forward to leading the music at the Harvest Festival Service on Sunday 29th September at 10.30am at St George's so we hope to see you there.