
We support and partner with a number of organisations to serve others locally, nationally and globally.  10% of our annual freewill donations are given to our chosen world mission partners.

Monthly Mission Focus


Monthly Mission Focus *

Introducing CSW…

Our right to freedom of religion or belief is our ‘first freedom’: it is the first freedom given to humanity by God. It’s a touchstone human right which can often act as a ‘litmus test’ for whether other human rights are under threat.

It’s a right we must protect, defend and restore.

That’s why, as Christians, we stand with everyone facing injustice because of their religion or belief.

CSW is a Christian human rights organisation specialising in freedom of religion or belief. Our specialist team of advocates work in over 20 countries across Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America to ensure everyone’s right to freedom of religion or belief is protected and promoted. We’re working to challenge and change the laws, behaviours and policies which lead to abuses of this vital right.

We have over three decades of experience advocating for freedom of religion or belief with politicians around the world.

Many Christians around the world are under persecution or in prison for their faith. At Christmas we join with other churches in sending Christmas cards to those in prison or under threat for their beliefs. Last year we sent almost 100 cards to encourage our brothers and sisters all over the world .

We will be repeating this vital encouragement again in November this year.

Find out more by visiting our website here…

Ashtead Churches Together (ACT)

Together with St Michael’s Roman Catholic Church and Ashtead Baptist Church, we worship and serve in the local community.

The Good Friday Pond Service is held just off Barnett Wood Lane, and the Remembrance Sunday Service by the war memorial is deeply moving. We celebrate our unity with an annual service.

Food is also important, with our monthly Men’s Breakfast, and the Ashtead Village Day Tea Tent.

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’” Jesus

— Matthew 25:35-36