
We support and partner with a number of organisations to serve others locally, nationally and globally.  10% of our annual freewill donations are given to our chosen world mission partners.

Monthly Mission Focus


Monthly Mission Focus *

Yala Widows & Orphans Support Project YAWOSUP

YAWOSUP is headed up by Edward Wata and operates in rural Western Kenya, focused on community development work to improve education, health, farming and housing for local residents, both young and old. A partial orphan himself, Edward recalls early life as a constant struggle as his mother often turned to kind neighbours to ensure they had something to eat. So he has dedicated his life to helping others.

Malcolm Leighton, SGSG Churchwarden and Trustee for the charity, first met Edward in 2004 during Malcolm’s first visit to Kenya. As our Mission Partner, YAWOSUP continues to receive a World Mission Grant to fund a number of Community Development Projects, more recently including:

Establishing local groups of Widows (300 in total) to learn how to support each other. Picture shows Table Banking in progress - they choose how to support each other financially month by month.

The Feeding Programme - In order to tackle food scarcity, YAWOSUP rents land to grow food crops – YAWOSUP provides the Farm Inputs, and the Widows provide the workforce – to cover those times when the yield from their own subsistence farming activity is insufficient to feed their families.

Provision of quality education at Barbara Leighton Academy – a nursery and primary school with up to 120 pupils, now expanding to establish a Junior Secondary School. Rehema Trust – a UK registered charity – continues to support the school and its development to secure Barbara’s legacy, including the vital feeding programme.

To find out more about YAWOSUP you can email malcolm.leighton@ntlworld.com or visit the web site here.

Ashtead Churches Together (ACT)

Together with St Michael’s Roman Catholic Church and Ashtead Baptist Church, we worship and serve in the local community.

The Good Friday Pond Service is held just off Barnett Wood Lane, and the Remembrance Sunday Service by the war memorial is deeply moving. We celebrate our unity with an annual service.

Food is also important, with our monthly Men’s Breakfast, and the Ashtead Village Day Tea Tent.

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’” Jesus

— Matthew 25:35-36