Alternatives Trust

The pandemic which has affected us all throughout 2020 has had a dramatic impact on the families supported by Alternatives Trust East London. Since it began in 1994 in the London Borough of Newham, it has never faced such a challenge. Yet it continues its work to support the physical and mental health of women especially relating to pregnancy, and it has reshaped its service to offer more outreach to the most vulnerable in the borough.

Alternatives has seen that the reality of self-isolation and social-distancing has made difficult situations even more challenging for the 70 vulnerable families they work with regularly. As a result it has tailored its support by delivering services directly to their doors. For those seeking counselling, pregnancy or pregnancy loss support they can still access those services remotely.

For many years SGSG has supported Alternatives, a centre which typically has around 3,000 client visits a year. It offers advice and signposting, donated clothing and equipment for babies and children, emergency food, counselling, and support around pregnancy choices and loss.

A crucial element of its work is the holistic support to vulnerable women and their families through the We Are Family (WAF) programme. A typical client has escaped an abusive relationship, has come to Alternatives when she is alone and pregnant in the UK, homeless and with no legal status. For these families, resources and belongings are very limited. They are incredibly vulnerable, and shockingly, without the help of Alternatives, the children would be unlikely to receive a single Christmas gift.

We invite you to help us support this charity, unfortunately because of the new lockdown we won’t be able to have our planned Toy Sunday on 22 November. But we encourage you to bring a new toy (no guns and no battery operated gifts please) to St George’s between 16-29 November, we’ll have a box by the Foodbank (Car Park/Reception entrance) we will be storing the toys in the Church every evening. You could also donate directly through Alternatives Trust’s website and they can buy the toys. After the challenges of this year, let us bless these families and children with some gifts to bring them comfort and joy.

Please pray for Alternatives, to give staff the w isdom, energy and guidance they need as they work with families under these stressful circumstances. For their good health, their general safety and protection from Covid-19; that the staff team can continue to work together to show God’s love and support to these many families and children.

Charlotte Sutton and Maxine Simpson




The Nazareth Way