Why The Ascension Matters
Reading: Acts 1 v.1-11
Some introductory comments to a very complex study
Many hymns and prayers (mostly from 19th and early 20th century) speak of heaven as “our home”, but this is not how the Bible normally sees it. In the Bible, heaven and earth are the two halves of God’s created world, both occupying different space. “The reality is this: ‘heaven’ in the Bible is God’s space and ‘earth’ is our space. ‘Heaven’ isn’t just ‘the happy place where God’s people go when they die’, and it certainly isn’t our ‘home’ if by that you mean (as some Christians, sadly, have meant) that our eventual destiny is to leave ‘earth’ altogether and go to ‘heaven’ instead.” (Tom Wright) God’s plan is clearly for a new heaven and a new earth and for them to be joined together when Christ returns in glory. It may be true that ‘heaven’ will be our temporary home, after this present life, but ultimately there is a new dimension awaiting us.
The RESURRECTION of Jesus was just the beginning of this new dimension to come.
To say that Jesus was ‘lifted up’ does not mean he was heading out somewhere into the universe but that he was going into God’s space, God’s dimension – and that he will come back one day when that dimension and our present one are brought together once and for all.
The above is very much the view of Tom Wright (Research Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at the University of St Andrew’s) and one which seems to make sense to me.
Early Christians would have picked up the promise in Daniel 7 where one ‘like a son of man’ was brought up, on the clouds of heaven, to the ‘Ancient of Days’ and is presented before him and given kingly power over the nations and over the beasts (monsters representing the forces of evil). The story of the ascension would have been seen as a dramatic fulfilment of that prophecy.
It was also the custom when a Roman Emperor died to declare that his soul had been seen escaping from his body and going up into heaven (carving can still be seen under the Arch of Titus – Emperor towards the end of the 1st century -in Rome). The Emperor had become a god! For Christians Jesus’ ascension is the REALITY, that of the Roman Emperors is but a PARODY.
Ice Breaker
Of the 4 key events associated with Jesus – birth, death, resurrection, ascension – which is the least celebrated, and why?
For most people – and probably most Christians – Ascension Day passes almost unnoticed. It takes 40 days after Easter therefore on a Thursday. It recalls Jesus going into heaven at a time when it was believed heaven lay directly above earth. We may know differently but the concept of Jesus ascending is still one many of us find hard to understand – so it is easy to ignore!
Please read Acts 1:1-11
We read in Luke 24:51 that Jesus “parted from them”. The disciples would have been bereaved when Jesus was crucified; joyful when he rose from the dead, but now he has parted from them. Must have felt like a second bereavement. We, of course, know what lay ahead, but can you put yourself in the place of the disciples at this time and express.
Q.1 how you might be feeling?
Q.2 for what are the disciples eager and impatient? (6) How does Jesus deal with
their eagerness and impatience? (7-8)
They still had the mistaken idea that Jesus would be king in the normally accepted sense – probably why some were trying to make sure they were given a top job in this new kingdom! Jesus would rule from Jerusalem and would restore God’s people Israel so that they ruled over the rest of the world.
As a result of his resurrection and ascension, Jesus was enthroned as Israel’s Messiah and king of the whole world. The task of the disciples (given at the Great Commission – Matthew 28:16-20) was to be heralds of what had happened and to see God’s kingdom established here on earth as it is in heaven.
Q.3 Have you ever experienced a time when you were eager to get started with something, and had to wait? What was the value of waiting?
Jesus’ ascension is described very briefly (9-11) and also at the end of Luke’s Gospel (24:51-53).
Q.4 Can you picture yourself present as it happened – how might you react to the experience? What do you think, feel, say and do?
If Jesus was still on earth in his risen existence, would we leave it to him to proclaim the good news of the kingdom? After all, Jesus would do it far better than me!
Q.5 so why did Jesus leave?
The amazing truth is that God entrusts the world, and everyone in it, to his Church! WE are now the Body of Christ on earth. WE are his feet, his hands, and the heart of Christ.
As a result of Jesus’ life, death, resurrection and ascension we have no excuses (a) how we should live, and (b) what a life of faith requires. We are called to be doers and not just hearers (James 1.22).
Q.6 so why do we find it so difficult to live such victorious lives?
What does the ascension mean to you? A few thoughts:
It marked the end of Jesus’ earthly ministry. He had accomplished all that he came to do.
It symbolizes that Jesus is now exalted by the Father (Ephesians 1.20-23) and has received all honour and glory (Philippians 2.9)
He has gone to prepare a place for us (John 14.2)
He now has a new work as he intercedes on our behalf.
He is getting ready to come again in glory. He now reigns as King of kings and Lord of lords and there is a glorious future to come for those who follow him.
Our response needs to be one of worship and obedience. In worship, prayer and obedience we can find ourselves sharing now in the life of heaven, which is where Jesus is.
A final thought – many scientists now think that our world is multi-dimensional in a way which is far beyond our understanding (at least it is far beyond my understanding!). Is it possible, therefore that what we call “heaven” exists in a way that transcends our 3-dimensional view of the world?
By the time you read these notes they will have been written some weeks before. This means that the situation with Covid-19 may be somewhat different so please look to the church website for current prayer requests.
“Lord, by your ascension, you draw my mind up into heavenly places, inspiring me to dedicate my life to serving you wherever I find you in others. Strengthen my resolve to seek and serve you, and my trust in your loving purpose. In the name of Jesus I make this prayer. AMEN.