Encounters with Jesus Series: The Disciples
Matthew 4: 18-22
You might like to begin by chatting about one or more of these…
Have you ever been discipled by anyone in the past?
Can you think of anyone other than Jesus who showed us how to disciple in the Bible?
Do you feel called to disciple someone right now?
It is important when reading this passage to understand what has gone before, because Matthew has taken nearly four chapters to set the scene for the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. Matthew has begun with a genealogy [1.1-17] and moved to an account of his birth and the visit of the Magi [1.18-2.12]. These events have taken place against a backdrop of Herod’s evil intentions [2.16-18], which lead Jesus’ family to flee to Egypt [2.13-15], returning only after Herod’s death on divine instruction [2.19-23].
Jesus, in other words, is threatened from birth. Hope appears as the Baptist recognizes Jesus as Messiah [3.1-17], but Jesus still needs preparation, which happens as he encounters Satan in the desert [4.1-11], and wins a victory which he seals with a time of prayer [4.12-17]. He is now ready to call his first disciples, which he does in 4.18-22, so beginning his work of salvation in earnest.
Read Matthew 4: 18-22
1. We’ve seen Jesus always acting in accordance with God’s will, even when the action seemed to be against common-sense (as when the greater is baptized by the lesser). Share how in your own Christian walk you have felt yourself at times acting consciously in accordance with the will of God, even if your action didn’t seem sensible at the time.
2. Following on from the first question, discuss how we know we are living within the will of God.
3. Share your own experiences of being called (some may not have had an isolate-able experience, but have simply grown up in the faith or just come to faith in some other way: share experiences without judging any to be superior to any that are different).
4. Share moments or experiences that have strengthened or nourished your faith in a memorable way.
You might like to spend some time praying for those who are seeking God, who will become disciples. Giving thanks to God for all he has led you into and for new insight into what he may be encouraging and challenging you with in 2024.