Discovering Joy Session 3
Studies on Paul’s Letter to the Philippians for SGSG Small Groups
What was your favourite summer read and why?
Sing or listen to Be Thou my Vision
The King is proclaimed. 1:12-18a
· Paul shows he has robust confidence in God’s overruling power, even when everything seems to be going wrong. (v12) We read in v13 that Paul has made it clear to the whole palace guard and everyone else that he is in chains for Christ? How might we imagine that Paul has managed to communicate this message so clearly?
· Paul can see that the other Christians in the city where he is in prison are taking courage from his example (v14) Can we think of times where we have been inspired by the faithfulness of others and how has it helped us to speak out about Jesus to our friends, family, neighbours and colleagues?
· In the OT (Genesis 37-50) we read of the dramatic life of Joseph, second youngest son of Jacob, who was sold into slavery by his brothers. After their father Jacob dies, Joseph’s brothers worry that he will now take revenge on them and so seek forgiveness from Joseph. Read Genesis 50:19-21 for Joseph’s reply. How can we see similarities in Joseph’s and Paul’s declarations of faith?
· How does Paul react to the troublemakers (v15, 17-18)? Think especially about why Paul has joy! How can we take encouragement from this when our plans are thwarted or when we face problems and difficulties in our lives?
To live or die? 1: 18b-20
· How do we see Paul preparing the Philippians for the real possibility that he may be executed? Why would he do this?
· In this Philippians passage Paul appears to be in good spirits but when we read 2 Corinthians 1:8-11 we can see that Paul is at a low ebb as he describes what actually happened before he was released and how he felt both despair and the weight of his death sentence. “His belief never wavered; indeed it came through the terrible experience strengthened. But his feelings came and went. Learning to distinguish between the two, and maintain belief and hope with or without the accompanying feelings, is itself part of Christian maturity” (Tom Wright). How does this challenge us?
· How do we remain rooted and secure in our faith whilst recognising that our feelings do not always stay the same?
Record some of your key insights from this evening on your group journal.
Witness, Care and Prayer
Reflect on the Tom Wright quote in italics above and share with each other times or situations when we find it hard to maintain our belief and hope. Pray for
· One another
· Christians who are persecuted or held in captivity
· Prison Chaplains.