Discovering Joy - Unity & Humility
Studies on Paul’s Letter to the Philippians for SGSG Small Groups
Unity and Humility Philippians 2:1-11 6 Oct 24
If you could change one thing about Ashtead what would it be and why?
Spend a few minutes looking at a Cross and write words around or on the Cross which describe how we feel when we think of Jesus dying for us. Speak out words of thankfulness for Jesus the Messiah.
Unity in Everything 2:1-4
· How does v1 help us see what should be our motivation for living in unity?
· Paul’s central command in this passage is: “Agree with each other, love each other, be deep spirited friends” (2:2 The Message). How does Paul motivate us to have this inner life of unity? How can we express that in practice?
· How can we combat selfish ambition? How do we meet Paul’s challenge to “Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead” (2:4 The Message)?
The Mind of the Messiah 2: 5-11
· This passage is thought to be the heart of Paul’s letter. Why do you think he wrote it as a poem?
· These verses are also a declaration of faith, in who Jesus was and what he accomplished. Try rewriting this passage using your own words to make a personal statement of faith. This exercise could be done individually, in groups of 2 or 3, or as a whole group. You may like to put some of these on your journal paper.
· Paul’s gospel message here was completely counter-cultural to the thinking of the time. In Paul’s world people hero worshipped the powerful military leader, the emperor, and put their faith in many different pagan gods. Paul is telling them that there is only one true God, who came to earth as a Jew and was crucified on a cross. How do we see that people today struggle to accept this truth? How can we be counter-cultural to modern day pagan views on deity and the belief that unity is about being a ‘multi-faith’ society?
· Can we think of examples when we have seen Christians working together and serving one another with the ‘attitude’ of Christ, and how can we take encouragement from these examples? Record these on your group journal.
Witness, Care and Prayer
· Reflect on v11 which tells us of God’s desire that all people everywhere will worship and serve Jesus. Pray for this to be our desire for others, and pray specifically for those people who we long to see accept Jesus as their Saviour
· Reflect on v2-5 and pray for the unity of the church and for selfless Christ-like attitudes.