Discovering Joy - Timothy & Epaphroditus

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Studies on Paul’s Letter to the Philippians for SGSG Small Groups

Timothy & Epaphroditus                 Philippians 2:19-30                            20 Oct


How are Christian friendships different from other friendships?


Spend some time praising God for all that he is, thinking specifically of all the wonderful relationships he has provided for you in your Christian journey so far. 


This passage gives us a real picture of Paul in his ministry.

2: 19-30

·         Take a moment to summarise the call on us in last weeks passage (Phil 2:12-18). As children of God, we are to live lives pleasing to God without complaining and grumbling. We are to be without blame amongst a crooked generation and to shine as stars in the universe holding out the word of life. This is a challenging call. How can a Christian meet such standards of integrity?

·         How does Paul offer encouragement and provide reassurance to the church at Philippi?

·         Paul recognizes that the challenge is hard but not impossible and offers two human examples of humility and unity:  Timothy and Epaphroditus.  

·         What qualities and gifts did Timothy and Epaphroditus demonstrate?  What do these verses teach us about relationships within the church?  

·         How can we develop these deep relationships in our church body?  

·         Are we serving our ministries and community groups motivated by our love for the people involved?  How can we ensure that we do so?

·         Who has been a Timothy or an Epaphroditus in your life? In what ways?

Record on your group journal the challenges and encouragements from this study.

Witness, Care and Prayer

Thank God for partnerships in the Gospel.  Thank him specifically for the people with whom you serve and have served in the simplest of ways. 

Ask God to show you someone who you could come alongside to serve in partnership.


Discovering Joy - Where is our Confidence?  


Discovering Joy - Shining as Stars