Resurrection Living
Readings: Philippians 2 verses 1-4 and Matthew 9 verses 35-38
Sermon date: 22nd May 2022
You may like to ask your group to suggest definitions for compassion, or you could read out this quote from author and researcher Brené Brown and ask them to discuss it.
“ Compassion is fuelled by understanding and accepting that we’re all made of strength and struggle – no one is immune to pain or suffering. Compassion is not a practice of “better than” or “I can fix you” – it’s a practice based in the beauty and pain of shared humanity” Brené Brown Atlas of the Heart 2021
We are currently in the middle of a series called Resurrection Living where we are reflecting on how we can live in a way which actively acknowledges Jesus’ resurrection in our lives. In our study today we are encouraged to look at Jesus as a role model for how we can be compassionate.
Read Philippians 2 verses 1-4
Question 1: In this passage Paul seems to have a strong desire to see unity amongst the Philippians. What attitudes does he suggest they all need to develop in order to achieve unity?
The attitudes outlined in this passage include:
· Humility (verse 3)
· Putting other people’s interests first (verse 4)
· Having a joint purpose (verse 2)
Question 2: What does Paul suggest should be their inspiration for these attitudes?
The encouragement and inspiration for developing these attitudes comes from;
· Being united with Christ (verse 1)
· Responding to Christ’s love (verse 1)
· Being in tune with the Holy Spirit (verse 1)
Read Matthew 9 verses 35 – 38
Question 3: In this passage Jesus had compassion when he saw the crowds - why?
In verse 36 Jesus saw that the crowds were “harassed and helpless” and “like sheep without a shepherd”. Ask your group members to try and expand on what this must have looked like. For example maybe he saw that people were lacking direction or maybe they looked sad, desperate or anxious?
Question 4: Can you think of other occasions in Jesus’s ministry when he showed compassion?
Below are just a few examples. I am sure you will be able to think of many more;
Suggestions; Matthew 9 verses 18 and 20, John 11 vs 33, Mark 1 vs 40-41
Question 5: Considering these examples do you think compassion is primarily a feeling or is it action-based?
There is no right or wrong answer to this although I think leaving compassion only as a feeling might seem very shallow. In the passage Jesus clearly felt compassion although there was no immediate practical response recorded. However there were also many instances recorded in the gospels where Jesus did respond in a more practical way, and he also instructed the disciples to respond in prayer (verse 38).
Question 6: What is the difference between compassion and empathy?
Brené Brown explains that empathy is a tool of compassion. When we respond empathetically to someone we show that we are willing to be present in their pain.
Question 7: How can we show empathy? Can anyone think of a time when someone has demonstrated empathy or compassion towards them?
Being willing to actively listen to someone is really important… Avoid making a judgement about their situation…. Reflecting their emotions…… Praying for them. This is not an exhaustive list and there are probably many more ways to be empathetic.
Question 8: Do you think that pity is an enemy of compassion? If so why?
The danger of pity is that it sets up a separation between ourselves and the other person and when you are pitying someone it implies that you “feel sorry for them” but that you are distant and separate from them. You might want to ask people if they have experienced an occasion where they have been pitied and how they felt about it. Most people report that they don’t like to think that people feel pity for them. Sometimes people are anxious to express their difficulties because they are fearful that they will be pitied.
Question 9: How do you think forgiveness is linked to compassion? Look up Ephesians 4 verse 32
You may want to consider Jesus’ response to the woman caught in adultery John 8 verses 1-11.
Question 10: Do you think it is possible to be compassionate and show empathy towards someone when they are in a situation that we have not experienced personally?
I don’t think you need to have experienced their situation to be compassionate and empathetic. This was not always the case with Jesus. Sometimes when we haven’t experienced their situation it can make us less likely to try and be too quick to offer solutions and make us listen to them more attentively.Prayer is a really vital tool especially when we are with a Christian friend.
Prayer is a really great way of responding with compassion to people’s needs or distress. Please ensure you have time this week to pray for one another.
Liz Marlow May 2022