Harvest - Gratitude & Sharing

Bible Study Notes (w/c 27th September)

Luke 12:13-21 (also Deuteronomy 16:9-21)

We are still in our series on “Caring for creation” and we have just celebrated our Harvest Festival services, so as we study this parable we need to be constantly asking ourselves: What does this parable have to teach me about the way I live and my responsibility to others?


Please read Luke 12.13-21

Wealth is a hard taskmaster. If we desire wealth, the acquisition of it can easily become our top priority in life. Once we have wealth/possessions the temptation is to spend much of our time guarding and growing it. Faith in wealth can too easily crowd out faith in God. Money in itself is not the problem – love of money is (1 Tim 6/10).



Torah Law prescribed rules of inheritance and rabbis were expected to arbitrate in cases of any dispute:


1 - A double portion of the inheritance was given to the firstborn son (Deut 21.17). So if there were 2 sons, the elder received 2/3 (67%) and the younger 1/3 (33%); if 3 sons, the eldest received 2/4 (50%) and the others 1/4 each (25%). The father’s affection (or lack of affection) for the wife of the firstborn was not to affect the inheritance.

2 - There were specific lines of inheritance – son; daughter; brother; uncle; next of kin (Num 27.1-11).

3 - There was to be no transfer of inheritance between tribes (Num 36.7-9).


So it is highly unlikely that the question was asked by the firstborn as he would not need any assistance.


To discuss (use as appropriate for your group)


1 - The man addressed Jesus as “Teacher”, but what seems to have been his real motive? (13)

(Hint: He did not seek advice, but rather told Jesus what he wanted Jesus to do. He tried to use Jesus’ authority to gain power over his brother in this dispute.)

2 - How does Jesus respond to the man’s intervention? (14)

(Hint: The reply echoes that in Ex 2.14 where Moses tried to stop a fight between two Hebrews and was challenged: “Who made you a prince and a judge over us?” Jesus could be saying, “I don’t have the authority to arbitrate”, or (more likely) he is questioning the man’s right to involve him in this dispute.)

3 - Why is the man’s intervention inappropriate and disruptive?

(Hint: If you look at 12.1-12, Jesus has been giving some very challenging teaching, but clearly the man has not been listening – his only concern is to resolve his personal situation.)

4 - Jesus is able to see into the man’s heart (15). What does he say about the danger of greed? Is this something which can easily affect even Christians? Is there anything inherently wrong with having possessions?

If you have time, you might like to look at the following verses (from Luke’s Gospel) to answer this question: 4.4;  9.25;  12.22-23;  18.24

5 - Verse 16. The man was already rich - now he was even richer. The abundant harvest has to be seen as a gift from God as it is way above the work he and his labourers have done. This raises the issue of stewardship – do we have any responsibility as Christians when we acquire more than we need?

6 - Verse 17a. “He thought to himself”. The man is so inwardly focused that he has already decided what action to take, and God is not involved in the process. Is this something we can easily fall into? Have you ever made a decision and then asked God to bless it?

7 - Verse 17b. What seems to be missing from this man’s life?

(Hint: There is no mention of family or friends; no sense of being part of a community; no inclination to help the poor or those in need. He was rich in money, but poor in every other way.)

8 - Verse 18. There is no suggestion that the man had been dishonest in any way – just that the harvest was so plentiful that he had to make quick decisions regarding storage and disposal. So what is the problem? Note how many times “I” and “me” are used! What could he have done?

 (Hint: Paid a bonus to his workers, contributed towards a community project, offered a tithe to God)

9 - Verse 19. The man now has enough to meet his needs, and more than he needs to live in luxury. His future seems secure – time to enjoy all that he has. Perhaps not something for an open discussion, but a time just to stop and pause for a moment for each one to reflect on their current situation in life.

10 - Verses 20/21. Where did the man go wrong?

(Hint: He may have amassed huge amounts of wealth and possessions, but they cannot be taken into eternity. He failed to acknowledge his mortality. Inheritances are often spent (and wasted) in ways which the giver never anticipate or desired! The real problem was not his wealth, but his selfishness. There is nothing in the parable that suggests we should not save for the future.)

11 - So what does it mean to be “rich towards God”?

 (Hint: Being thankful to God for his blessings, Good stewardship that returns God’s portion to God, Generous to those Jesus charges us to love (10.27), Even to our enemy (ouch!!) (6.27)



Have you ever heard anyone say, “I wish I hadn’t given so much away. I wish I had kept more for myself?”

If God has blessed you with material wealth “set not your heart on it” and be “rich toward God”.



You might like to ask your group to take part in the following Act of Commitment – some may already have done so in one of the church services in recent weeks. This is not something to be done lightly and then forgotten, but a genuine desire to live differently.

An Act of Commitment

“While all creatures stand in expectation, what will be the result of our liberty?” (Thomas Traherne)

As the whole of creation looks with eager longing for the redemption of humankind, let us pledge ourselves anew to serve our Creator God, the Father who is the maker of all things, the Son through whom all things are made, and the Holy Spirit, the giver of life, who renews the face of the earth.

Let us stand to affirm our commitment to care actively for God’s creation.

All        Lord of life and giver of hope, we pledge ourselves to care for creation, to reduce our waste, to live sustainably, and to value the rich diversity of life. May your wisdom guide us, that life in all its forms may flourish, and may be faithful in voicing creation’s praise.




Ezra: Historical Time and Background

