Hope Builders: Community
Make a list of all the groups/communities that people in your group are a part of. E.g. sports clubs, neighbourhood watches, social clubs.
Read Mark 6 v 30-42
Reading this passage, it strikes us that there are 3 themes which it might be helpful to explore as we think about building community well. These are provision, giving thanks and generosity.
Provision: The Feeding of the 5 thousand demonstrates that community can be built in the moment and for a specific purpose.
Q1. Can you think of another occasion in the bible where community was done well?
The early church provides a strong example of community done well (Acts 4 v32-37).
Q2. After rereading Mark 6 v 34 what needs does Jesus identify and how does he respond? (think about the spiritual and practical elements)
Q3. How have you witnessed provision for others or yourself during the lockdown? Have you been surprised at all?
Giving Thanks:
Q4. After the loaves and fishes are collected for the meal, how does Jesus respond? See Mark 6 v41 How often do we remember to give thanks as our first reaction?
Q5. Can you think of other stories in the Bible demonstrating giving thanks for provision?
King David responds to the generosity of peoples gifting for the building of a new temple in Chronicles 29 v7-9 & 14
Q6. How can we respond to the challenge to be more thankful in our lives? How might we develop the habit of thankfulness?
Generosity: Whether you believe the feeding of the five thousand to be a supernatural miraculous multiplication of the loaves and fishes, or as some commentators have suggested, that generosity spread throughout the group as people shared what they had with one another. Everybody who gave contributed for the benefit of others.
Q7 - What different ways can we give?
Q8 – How should we give? Look again at the early church’s example in Acts 4 v32
Q9 – If we are Christ’s light in this world, then where might we give to benefit our communities more? Perhaps reflect on your answers given in the icebreaker.
To close:
Perhaps close in a time of prayer, asking for guidance on how as Christians we can build up the communities that we are already a part of with Christ as our guide, and to explore how we might reach out to those amongst us who are longing to belong to a community.