Why clear the Temple courts?
Why Clear the Temple Courts?
John 2 13-25
Icebreaker: Did you ever witness something that you thought was outrageous? What was your reaction at the time? If the event happened some years ago, do you see it now in the same light?
Introduction: The Temple was a focal point the life and worship of the nation of Israel. There were 3 temples constructed for the collective worship of God’s people.
1) Solomon’s Temple: this was the first one built by King Solomon; although his father David had made extensive preparations for the work. This was the first temple and it is well described in the Biblical narrative. This temple endured until the exile of Babylon and was destroyed.
2) Temple of Zerubabel. This temple was built by people who returned from exile under the guidance of Zerubabel. It was likely loosely based on the footprint of the Temple of Solomon but it was probably more “austere” as at that time the nation as a whole had much more limited means.
3) The Herodian Temple. Work on this building started about 20BC so by the time Jesus was born construction was well under way. It was roughly twice the size of the Solomonian temple and with relatively lavish architecture. This is the setting for the action in todays passage. It is important to note that this temple had several “courts” or “courtyards” and depending on who you where, you could access different places. The People’s Court, was the outermost section and everyone (Jews and non Jews) were allowed. It is in this specific place where Jesus drove away the money changers and several other “trades”. The inner courts of the Temple were reserved strictly for Jews only and the centre of the Temple, was reserved for priests.
Read John 2 13-16
It is very clear from the Biblical Narrative that this was not the first time Jesus visited the temple. Why do you think he chose this particular occasion (at the beginning of his ministry) to do it?
How do you think the people who were selling the money and the animals would have felt?
How would you think the people around him (witnessing the event) would have felt.
Read John 17-19
Why do you think it is important that the disciples connected the event to previous writings in Scripture? V17
What was the reaction of the religious authorities? V18
Have you ever had this or a similar reaction from a religious authority?
Do you think they saw him as a threat at this stage?
What is the significance of the action taking place in the outer court of the temple? (see notes above and below)
Note: By performing this action in full view of both Jews and non-Jews; Jesus is heralding that the results of his ministry and eventual death on the cross would have an impact on the whole world, not just Jews alone.
Read John 2 19-22
What do you think Jesus meant when he said “destroy this temple and I will build it in three days”? v19
Read John 2 23-25
Why do you think that Jesus “would not entrust himself to them”
Prayer: Spend some time in prayer for the Ministry Team at the church. Pray for guidance and wisdom on how to continue and develop the ministry in this challenging times. Also pray for each other especially those who are going through difficulties.