`What is Christian Worship?’ Series: Praise
Philippians 2: 1-11
Share a time when you “humbled yourself” (or were truly humbled by someone else’s example). What emotions did it arouse?
Q.1 Looking at verse 1, what encouragement do you take from “being united with Christ”, and what “comfort from his love”? What do you think it means to be, “united with Christ”?
In verse 3, Paul and Timothy instruct us to, “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.”
Q.2 How does your life (or the life of our church more generally) stack up against this ideal?
Q.3 If this was indeed the norm for everyone in our church, or at your place of work, how different might it feel and look?
Verse 5 tells us to, “Have the same mind set as Christ Jesus.”
If you were to choose 5 words to describe that mind set, what would they be? (“Loving and caring” might be two, but no points for those). Once you have shared ideas, discuss any words which surprised you or brought a new perspective.
It is amazing to think that the King of Kings and Lord of Lords should “make himself nothing … and take the nature of a servant.”
Can you think of other great leaders who had - or have - the gift of humility? What about in your personal life – share examples of people you have known with this gift. What impact have these people had on those around them?
Some people adhere to the view that because Jesus was “fully man”, He ranks lower than the Father, or is somewhat subservient to Him.
Q.4 What does verse 6 make of that idea (and verses 9-11)?
Q.5 Look up some of the following verses: Col 1:15-19, Heb 1:3, John 5:16-18 and Col 2: 9-10. With these in mind, what is the right way for us to think of Jesus relative to the Father?
So our response must be one of PRAISE – to speak, sing, declare, proclaim who God is, and who we are in Christ: a child of God!
It would be good at this point to have an open discussion as to what PRAISE entails, both on a Sunday when we gather together and in our daily lives. The following notes may help in that discussion.
There are various Hebrew words for praise including:
Worship with extended hand
Sing with instruments
Loud adoration – shout
Effect of praise?
1 We turn away from self and problems to focus on God’s greatness (Ps 95.2-3)
2 We are in a place of humility
3 Satan trembles when we praise God
4 No room for negativity/complaints
5 Open to God’s blessing
6 Invite God into our midst
7 Inner spirit renewed and refreshed
8 Enables God to work wonders (e.g. Paul and Silas in prison)
Closing thoughts
Imagine Jesus sitting by the Father in heaven. Imagine Him embracing the Father and waving goodbye as He boarded the train from heaven to Israel 2000 years ago. What must that have cost Him? In answering this, you may like to consider what was said in the Icebreaker.
With that in mind, and drawing on verses 5-7 and Ephesians 5:1, what might God be saying about your own life and attitudes? Some groups may like to share what comes to mind, others may choose to have a time of quiet reflection and prayer.
Spend a few minutes in prayer thanking Jesus for His incredible character and qualities …. And for His willingness to sacrifice so much for our sake.