Joseph - Matthew 1:18-24
Please read Matthew 1:18-24 – what picture begins to emerge about Joseph’s character? (Just first thoughts at this stage; look at this in more detail later)
In June 2009 Bernard Madoff, an American financier, was sentenced to 150 years in prison. For almost two decades his company, Madoff Securities, had offered an amazing 10% on investments – but he was a fraudster. His company looked financially sound but he was running a “Ponzi” scheme and had swindled investors of over $65 billion. One French investor committed suicide when he realised he had lost $1.4 billion as a result of his investment.
What do you think swayed people to invest in Bernard Madoff?
Sound reputation; wealthy lifestyle; impressive track record; natural charm; promise of exceptional financial gains. If something looks too good to be true …..
God had a very costly investment to make – His one and only Son. And what did he do: “God chose a manual labourer called Joseph who lacked even enough influence to get a room in a hotel when his wife was in labour.”
Why do you think God chose Joseph (and Mary) for such an important role?
Could have placed Jesus in the home of a wealthy nobleman; or with a leading Sadducee (priestly elite); or with a prominent Pharisee, upholder of the Law in every detail.
What God values in his kingdom is very different to what the world values.
So back to our original question – what can we learn about the character of Joseph that made God choose him? NOTE that at this time Joseph was BETROTHED to Mary. Betrothal was a legally binding agreement (much more than an engagement), although there was a time gap of about a year between betrothal and marriage. To break off a betrothal was seen as a divorce, and if one of the couple died before marriage they were regarded as a widow/widower.
HUMBLE. How is this shown?
None of the flair of someone rich and famous; meek; gentle; forgiving. Astonishing kindness to Mary when he heard she was pregnant – had every right to demand the punishment stated by the Law, i.e. stoning (though rarely carried out). Stayed loyal to Mary by marrying her (24) and was prepared to face the disapproval of his local community.
GREAT FAITH. How was this shown?
Believed what the angel said, seemingly without question. The prophecy (23) was not obviously about the mother of the Messiah, so not something that was expected. If Joseph was not the father, then the logical conclusion was that Mary had been unfaithful by committing adultery. Many today doubt the concept of a Virgin Birth (though really it was a virgin conception), but if anyone had reason to doubt this surely it was Joseph!
Also at this point worth considering the faith of Mary, a young girl about to be publicly humiliated as an immoral woman with an illegitimate child, yet … Luke 1.38.
INSTANT OBEDIENCE. Consider the 4 occasions when he believed an angel spoke to him – and his immediate response: 1.24; 2.13-14; 2.19-21; 2.22-23.
Then put yourself in the place of Joseph, living as a refugee – escaping from Herod’s decree; moving from place to place until it was safe to settle; picking up work where he could; grateful for help and charity wherever he went. All because he trusted in God.
What characteristics do people see in me? Do I have the same humble, faith-filled, obedient heart that Joseph had?
We suggest you focus on the Christmas services that will soon be taking place in our two churches. Pray for all the organisation that goes into these services; for those who will be preaching and leading; that many will come along to our services and be challenged as to who the baby in the manger really is.
If your group has made up a Christmas hamper, pray for the individual/family who will receive it.
And pray that you and your family will have a truly joyful and blessed Christmas time.