Housegroup notes w/c February 6th 2022 – “Enemies” Matthew 5: 38 -48
When walking in the light we need to consider prayerfully how we are acting towards everyone around us.
I wonder if you have ever been involved in producing a code of conduct – perhaps for a school or college or a workplace?
Many families have an unwritten code of how they live. They know what is expected of family members and they know that when the code is not upheld there will be consequences.
You may also have some personal standards, styles of living which you aim to uphold, and which make you sad when you fall short of your own rules.
· Consider the outcomes which we are hoping to achieve by producing these codes. They need to be positive, clear, and easy to understand. They also need to be achievable, because if we fail too often, we are likely to give up trying.
Take a moment to consider the codes by which you choose to live each day.
Jesus taught his disciples and followers many things and he used all kinds of methods to make things clear to them including showing by example.
· Currently we are studying together the principles for a Christian lifestyle as portrayed in Matthew chapter 5 which begins with the Beatitudes. If you have not been following the series, then I suggest you read the whole chapter to see the context of today’s passage.
Read aloud Matthew 5: 38 -48
Let’s take that in two parts, - Part 1 - An Eye for an Eye - Matthew 5 : 38 -42
· Here Jesus is referring to the old law which was given to limit the way people responded to personal attack.
· Have a look at Exodus 21: 24-25 and again Leviticus 24: 20. The law of retaliation was designed to make the punishment fit the crime. To avoid excessive responses to injuries caused and to make people think before they injured another person.
· It was also used as a public punishment so that everyone would be aware of what someone had done and that their punishment was according to the law.
· You may be aware that in some other laws and religions this code still stands today. When we see that, it shocks us as we hope we have moved on to a more progressive approach to punishment for crimes.
Jesus takes this concept to a whole other level. He tells us not to retaliate at all.
Imagine what would happen if people stopped answering back or escalating conflict but instead removed the cause of conflict by submitting. Would this make us look weak and foolish? Or, would we overcome and be more likely to win the argument?
· Take time to discuss the question and its consequences.
Jesus is encouraging generosity of spirit. If someone wants your shirt then hand over your coat as well. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles.
Again, there are still cultures in the world when you must be careful not to admire someone clothes or possessions because they would then be duty bound to hand them over to you.
· Consider together how we can go two miles and what would be the purpose?
When we were in Kenya some people looked to us to give them everything assuming that we were the rich people, and they were poor. But their pastor told them that they must give from their small amounts and not expect gifts from strangers. “If you have two shirts then you can give one away.”
· How does this affect the concept of foreign aid for poorer countries?
Part 2 : Love for enemies, read together, Matthew 5: 43 – 48
Many of the Old Testament laws which you can find in Leviticus and Deuteronomy were designed to help judge between people’s behaviours. Love your neighbour is a wise decision – if we live inconstant conflict with those around us, we will never have a peaceful life. We do not want to feel threatened every time we leave the house, or even within our own neighbourhood. But if we have enemies then we are contravening God’s laws.
We are therefore called to pray for those who hate us and persecute us. God does not discriminate between one person and another, he does not prefer some kinds of people and put down others. He has set his world in motion, and he loves everyone equally and we are to follow his high standards and try to do the same.
Recently some groups have been studying the course Living in Love and Faith and this helps us to see what a wide variety of people and lifestyles there are in the world. Yet God created all and wants all of us to show love and respect to everyone.
Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.
Of course, we all understand that reaching perfection is a very high goal and we may not get there in this life. But nevertheless, it is a goal to aim at. And we know that when we fall short, we can confess and be forgiven and aim higher again next time.
· Take a time of prayer to reconsider the codes by which you are aiming to live.
· Remember sometime when you have fallen short of these goals and ask for forgiveness.
· Then re-commit to the goal of faithfulness to Christ in our daily lives.
May God give us the courage and strength to follow his example and live Holy Lives day by day.
Jane Hiley January 2022