
Kingfishers is a group for adults with learning difficulties which is part of our St George’s 10.30am Sunday service. Individuals are supported in many way, for example with large print song/hymn sheets.  After the service we all meet for coffee and chat in the cafe.

Deaf and Signing - Our aim is to be welcoming and friendly, to encourage deaf and hard of hearing people to become part of our church family. If you would like further information about our services and other events, and require a BSL interpreter, please contact us as far in advance as possible and we will do our best to offer an interpreter. 

Impaired Vision - If you have impaired vision or are blind, please ask for large print service sheets and music and we can prepare these for you in advance. If you are blind, then please ask about the possibility of us providing Braille resources.

Kids & Youth Groups we support both children with special needs and their parents, listening, offering support, and learning from one another. If you have a child or young person with a special need, then please do get in touch with our Children & Families Leader Jaynie Kendall with any queries.

Both our churches and centre’s have been designed to include full accessibility for the disabled. Facilities include a fully touch operated lift to the first floor rooms, ramp access to the main doors, disabled parking bays and disabled toilet facilities.