Green & Pleasant for 75+

‘They will flourish… and bear fruit in old age.’ Psalm 92:13-14

Age UK reports that over 5 million older people in the UK say television is their main company and 1 million say they are always or often lonely. It is also a known fact that regular engagement in social activities helps keep the mind sharp.

The Church was created to be intergenerational and the bible speaks of the wisdom of older Christians. In the book of Zechariah the church is said to be a great place to grow old, as well as a great place to grow up*, and Ashtead Parish is no exception.

Evergreen is a monthly social gathering, led by Ashtead Parish’s Outreach Worker for the Elderly, Jacqui Dawson, each 2nd Wednesday of the month for the over 75s. It seeks to offer companionship and fun, as well as the opportunity to engage with each other and the love of Jesus. Held at St George’s Church Hall, the afternoons vary and include entertainment. Tea and homemade cake is served, and usually concludes with a ‘thought for the day.’ Lifts within Ashtead are readily available by arrangement.

“I have a fond memory of twenty plus of us ‘conga-ing’ around the church, even people on crutches!” says Jacqui . ”Never let it be said you are too old!”

In addition, and due to popular demand, Evergreen Plus was formed in 2019. It’s a smaller group whose focus is music. A gathering for a sing-along – led by a local singer; at the same time each 4th Tuesday of the month, also at St George’s Church Hall.

“Our groups are dementia friendly and we do our best to accommodate all.” continues Jacqui.

If you or if you know of anyone who may like to come along to Evergreen or Evergreen Plus, or would like to find out more then contact Jacqui Dawson on 01372 813 200 or email

*A Place to Grow Old: Fresh Perspectives on Ministry Amongst Older People’ by Tina English


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