A farewell message from Richard

Thank you for the privilege of serving the Lord as your Rector for nearly eight years. Thank you for all that you are in Christ and how you have blessed us in many ways. As we move on to Anerley, in south east London, we leave with memories of the kindness, generosity, faithfulness and initiative of so many here. As we prepare to move by sorting through our ‘stuff’, memories come flooding back. Looking at the stuff we’ve accumulated over the years, a question has struck me: If I could only take what I could carry with me, what would I choose and why? What would you choose and why?

Someone who travelled very lightly was Jesus. I know that life in biblical times was very different – so it was easier for Him.

Nevertheless, Jesus travelled ‘lightly’ by worldly standards because of His commitment to fulfilling the will of God the Father. Guided by the Holy Spirit, for three years, Jesus journeyed onwards to His destination – the cross on Calvary, resurrection and ascension. Accordingly, travelling light was both practical and demonstrated His dependence on God the Father.

I’m not suggesting that we’re to dispense with all our possessions. Simply that our ‘stuff’– and it can be ‘good stuff’ – can act as a weight that can restrict our ability to journey onwards with God and flourish.

Although it’s become a cliché, it’s true that the Christian life is a journey. A journey of growth and adventure with Jesus empowered by the Holy Spirit. We are pilgrim people.

What matters is who we are and how we live as apprentices of Jesus. So, we’re to be aware of our ‘stuff’ and avoid the temptation to allow it to hold us back; to be a weight that prevents us from travelling more fully, more deeply together in faith for God’s glory.

Reflecting on the experience of the people of God, as they journeyed from slavery to freedom in the Promised Land, gives further encouragements as we travel. The life of discipleship is shared; everyone is equally loved and integral in God’s kingdom; God is sovereign, faithful and with us. Finally, to realize that our journey is part of our ongoing formation.

So, as you enter the period of vacancy, thank you for supporting the leadership team, offering your service as the Lord leads and builds His kingdom in and through you, one day at a time. I hope to see you on my final Sunday, 4 June, to express my thanks and say farewell. Warmly and with our thanks and prayers. Richard


Mission Partner: Karen Border Ministries (KBM) Thailand


Mission Partner: Christian Aid