Pushing Back Against Poverty

I first started door to door collecting for Christian Aid (CA) when I was about 10, with my mother. It was a great way of getting to know our neighbours and supporting a fantastic cause. Four years ago I reached the dizzy heights of becoming chairman of Ashtead Churches Together Christian Aid Committee, and have come to know about many more remarkable people.

People like Aline, a young woman in Burundi. She felt the force of extreme poverty when an early marriage ended in abuse and violence. Separated from her six children Aline was forced to sleep on the streets. With no home, income or security, Aline was pushed to the brink of survival.

Driven by hope, faith and the love of her children, Aline sought help from Christian Aid. They helped with training and support so she was able to start a small business, start to grow nutritious food, build a home and return her children to her side. Today, Aline lives peacefully on her own plot of land in a remote village in Makamba Province. She can afford food, clothes and essential health care. She can send her children to school.

CA has worked tirelessly to end poverty worldwide, working with local partners and communities to fight injustice, respond to humanitarian emergencies, campaign for change, and help people claim the services and rights to which they are entitled. CA are also at work in the Ukraine and the Middle East. Their winter Magazine highlighted the aid they were able to deliver to Ukraine after the dam was bombed last year, flooding so many.

During Christian Aid Week, 12-18 May, we will be pushing 6,000 envelopes through letter boxes in our community. You can pop your donation inside and return directly, or perhaps you would prefer to give online through our Just Giving Site. Also, on Saturday 11 May Rosie Bennett is hosting ‘The Big Brekkie’ in St George’s CC Café to help raise vital funds. See SGSG events page for how to book your ticket.

Trish Brown, ACT CA Chair


Introducing Reverend Tom Darwent


Envision, Equip, Engage