Mission Partner: Interserve

Interserve wants to share God’s love with people from Asia and the Arab world, many of whom have never heard about Jesus. Interserve encourages Christians from many different countries to share God’s love with people from Asia and the Arab world wherever they might be; in their own countries or if they have migrated to other countries such as the UK. They support Christians in these countries who work in hospitals, businesses, schools and other places where they are needed and can share God’s love in their communities. 

Our partners, Jonathan and Helen, are based in Bristol. Helen manages a team of people around the UK who work with Asians and people from the Arab world who have come to live in the UK.  Helen asks if we could pray particularly for:

  • anyone involved in supporting resettled Afghans, who have sought sanctuary here following the retraction of foreign troops.

  • English learning initiatives which help them settle into UK life and for the towns and cities where there is little Christian engagement; that new initiatives and relationships will be developed.

  • for the course called “Joining the family” which aims to help churches welcome people from a Muslim background, who want to become part of the Christian family.       


Liz Marlow


Focus Wednesdays for Ukraine

