Mission Partner: Be Me Project

Be Me Project exists to give young people a better start in life. We are a local Christian-led charity running emotional wellbeing courses to improve self-esteem, confidence and positivity.

The majority of our courses support girls and boys in secondary school - currently we are working in 10 local North Surrey schools. We also have teams in Cumbria and Kent and support 540 people per year.

“Be Me Project has bridged the void that exists in providing support for some of the vulnerable students in our society. Be Me celebrates the worth of every individual, strives to give self-esteem and encouragement to all the young people whose life it touches” Secondary School Year Head

We want to say a massive thank you to everyone at SGSG for your encouragement, prayers, voluntary work and funds. It has made a big difference and we are very grateful.

Thank you to all who supported our ‘Be Christmassy’ event which raised £850.

Please can you pray:

  • That our courses provide a stepping stone towards transformation and enable people to thrive.

  • For discernment, energy and resources as we continue to grow as an organisation.

  • For the situation in our country - NHS data indicates that 1 in 5 young people have poor emotional wellbeing and this level has not decreased since the sharp rise of 2020.

If you would like further information, please see our website www.bemeproject.org or instagram beme_project. If you would like to discuss anything or volunteer, please email sue@bemeproject.org


Hope Explored


Half-Term Fun - 12 to 16 February