Hope Explored

Hope Explored is a three-session series that looks at the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel; it shows that Christianity is about real hope: a joyful expectation for the future, based on true events in the past which changes everything about the present. Whatever people do or don’t believe it offers an opportunity to discuss and discover the hope, peace and purpose that Jesus offers each and every one of us.

At SGSG we ran the course on three Wednesdays in January; the twenty plus people who attended both the morning and evening sessions very much engaged with the material and enjoyed the course.

Good discussions were had, and many were left wanting more, so don’t be surprised if you see some new faces popping up in services, or on the Lent course to which they were all invited; be sure to welcome them and say hello!

As all of us would benefit from being reminded about the hope, peace and purpose that Jesus offers, it is really exciting that the whole church is going to get the opportunity to do Hope Explored together after Easter. More details will follow……… Sarah Tapp, Associate Minister


Mission Partner: Through The Roof (Wheels for the World)


Mission Partner: Be Me Project