Mission Partner Focus: Karen Border Ministries

As June begins, so does the new academic year at Noh Bo Academy (NBA), our Mission Partners on the north western border of Thailand. The rainy season is upon them, which brings respite from the relentless heat of the hot season. All the staff needed to keep the school and campus going have been recruited. Students, some local and some of whom travel for many miles, will be on their way. When we were there, one boy walked for 3 weeks to get to Thailand and later joined the school. It is not unusual for students to have to walk for a week. Some come for the whole academic year (or longer), staying locally before returning to their family homes when it ends.

Sadly, the political situation in Burma /Myanmar is unstable with warring factions, effectively a civil war, and there is a great increase in the numbers of people who flee the country. Numbers applying for the school are increasing, but the number accepted remains the same, because the teaching facilities and accommodation are finite. The situation is difficult, but life continues as normally as possible. 22 students graduated from the school at the beginning of March, the end of the academic year. Of those, 11 have already been accepted for higher education or apprenticeship programmes within specific fields. Others are still applying for places or they will stay at home to help support the family in their rural self-sufficient communities. Army conscription has now been brought in by the government for all young men who live in B/M, irrespective of which side they support, which is very difficult.

Thanks to Gwynneth Cooper, Mission rep, Karen Border Ministries


Mission Partner Focus: ALDAG


Empowering Young Voices Across Ashtead