Empowering Young Voices Across Ashtead
Earlier this month Ashtead Youth Choir had its debut performance at Dorking Halls as the guest choir in the Surrey primary schools’ singing festival. For many choir members, it was their first experience of being on stage in a large auditorium and they sang to a packed hall of children and adults. They gave a very confident and polished performance of sacred and inspirational songs that was warmly received by the audience.
The choir meets weekly on Tuesday evenings in the Dell Centre. It’s free to join and open to children aged 7+, whether or not they are church members. There is also a Young Leaders’ programme for those in Year 9 and up. We are looking to recruit more members as some of our older singers will be heading to university next academic year, so please spread the word. There is further information on our website or email Musical Director, Esther Jones, at esther.jones@ashteadparish.org.
If you’d like to hear them, the choir will be making an appearance at Ashtead Village Day on Saturday 8 June, and then at a special Choral VI service on Sunday 23 June to mark Music Sunday. Other activities include a summer concert in July and also a singing workshop day in August.
Esther Jones, Musical Director
Esther Jones