Moving On
Moving on
If you’d asked us seven years ago when we moved to England that we’d be living how we are now, it would have been beyond our dreams. Three lovely boys, leaving a great church to be in charge of another great church, wow! It’s been such a privilege to be part of the church for seven years and serve full-time for the last five years. We’ve met some incredible people, passionate about God, full of the Holy Spirit, and ready to help those in need.
We’re excited about this new stage in our ministry that wouldn’t have been possible without our lovely time in Ashtead. We’re up for an exciting new challenge at St Paul’s Howell Hill which includes a brand new church plant and loads of possibilities. We’ve now settled into the vicarage and looking forward to following God’s dreams for the community and us as a family. You are very welcome to join us on Wednesday 21 September for the induction service at St Paul’s 7:30pm. To sign up please click here
In the last five years, I’ve been honoured to be part of this amazing church. The quality of people we have at St Giles’ and St George’s Church is fascinating. So many servant-hearted people, ready to help out in any way possible. So many loving people, ready to share words of encouragement and affirmation. So many generous people, ready to give of their time, talent and treasure. So many humble people, ready to be led even by an Argentine football analyst! This is an incredible community, an incredible church, there is so much potential here to bring transformation to Ashtead and show love to the World. From the bottom of my heart, I just want to thank you for so much love, encouragement, generosity and friendship. It’s been an honour to serve alongside you and it’s my privilege to be part of this family.
As we say goodbye and see you around, I want to remind you of who you are. You are God’s people, extending His Kingdom. You’ve been called by Jesus himself, you are loved, you are valued and you’ve got a unique contribution individually and collectively to offer. Don’t underestimate what the Holy Spirit can do through you, God has big dreams for this church and it’s been my privilege to be a small part of it these last few years.
A huge thank you and a big hug to all! Nico