Discovering Joy - Pressing on Towards the Goal  

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Studies on Paul’s Letter to the Philippians for SGSG Small Groups

Pressing on Towards the Goal                     Phil 3:12-4:1                           3 November                                                                                            


What did you enjoy most about the Olympics: Paris 2024.  Who, if anyone, inspired you and why?  What is it about them or their story that appealed to you?


Read Psalm 19 together – spend some time either in the quiet or with quiet music or a worship song playing in the background (e.g. Jesus shall take the Highest Honour). Reflect on the daily display of God’s glory that we see all around us and ask God to prepare your heart and mind for the session ahead.



·         What is Paul pressing on to take hold of (v12)?  Given his background (Acts 9:1-6), why did Christ choose Paul? Following his Damascus Road experience was he perfect? Is it possible to become perfect in this world? If not, what was Paul aiming for and how was he going to get there (v13-14)?

·         Paul mentions ‘pressing on’ or ‘straining towards’ three times in these verses. What does this mean? How do you feel about ‘forgetting what is behind’? Why is this important? Have there been times when you have had to just keep pressing on in your journey in spite of challenges and struggles along the way? What helped you to keep going?

Paul realises he hasn't achieved perfection yet. He, like all believers is on the way, on a journey towards holiness. Although we will never achieve perfection in this world, it should still be our goal, to imitate Christ. Like athletes, we are to guard against complacency and press on for the finish line. In his book, ‘The Purpose Driven Life’, Rick Warren says ‘There is nothing quite as potent as a focused life, one lived on purpose. The men and women who have made the greatest difference in history were the most focused…If you want your life to have impact, focus it! Stop dabbling. Stop trying to do it all. Do less. Prune away even good activities and do only that which matters most.’ (The Purpose Driven Life, Ch 3).


·         Who are your role models, either Biblical role models or people you have known or observed? What is it about them that makes them an example to follow (v17)?  How well do you feel you ‘live according to the pattern’ given by Paul?

·         Why does Paul give himself as an example to follow here, rather than Jesus?

·         Who are today’s enemies of the cross of Christ (v18-19)?  What challenges you about verse 19?


·         What does citizenship mean to you? What does it mean to you that our citizenship is in heaven?

·         The good character requirement for British Citizenship states ‘we consider you to be of good character if you show respect for the rights and freedom of the United Kingdom, have observed its laws and fulfilled your duties and obligations as a resident.’  What is the requirement for Heaven Citizenship?!

·         How should this impact on how we live while we are on earth?  See Hebrews 12:1-3 - what reassurances do we have that we do not have to run the race alone?

·         Why do you think that Paul describes the Philippians as his ‘joy and crown’ (4:1)?  Who might you describe in this way?

Record on your group journal what has impressed itself on you from this study.

Witness, Care and Prayer

  • Spend some time praying for each other as a group or in twos and threes  

  • Provide opportunity to pray about specific issues that have emerged for individuals

  • Pray for people you know who may be needing encouragement to press on and look forward.


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