On Mission with Jesus: Travelling Light

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In order to fully participate in this weeks notes, It would be helpful if everyone in the group has listened to either Tom or Sarah’s talk from Sunday.


What kind of holiday packer are you? Eg. Last minute, meticulous early planner, over packer, under packer etc etc…

Worship: As it’s the first week of Lent, spend some time reflecting upon your relationship with God.   Try to focus on both the power and the cost of the cross.  You can do this in prayer or in corporate sung worship.  End this time by thanking Jesus for his ultimate sacrifice that brings forgiveness, purpose and new life to all. 

Bible Study:  Read Luke 9:1-17

1.      Think of a time you were asked to do something that you were nervous about - how did you respond to the request?

2.      What might be the purpose of sending the disciples into ministry with these restrictions? (Verses 3-5)

3.      How is what Jesus did with the loaves and the fish a sharply focused version of what the disciples had just done travelling around on mission?

4.      Are you ready to step out of the classroom and into the mission field of Ashtead and beyond?  Do you feel you have everything that you need to go?

5.      How did the proposals given on Sunday land with you?

6.      What might you do as a result of what was said?

Tom and I asked each of you to consider either serving locally with Besom or volunteering in the cafe at St Georges.  Please do be in touch with Dawn McInnes for more information about the Cafe and with Phil Marlow for how you can serve with Besom.

End your session together in Prayer:

Please pray for the vision

Pray that we would be able to financially resource our plans for welcome, witness and worship as we seek to reach out into the wider community.

Ask God to show you how you can take part in our outreach and mission here in Ashtead.

Thank you.


On Mission with Jesus: Who’s in Charge?


On Mission with Jesus: When All is in Chaos