On Mission with Jesus: When All is in Chaos

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1)      How turbulent does the world feel right now?


2)      How turbulent does your life feel right now?


Read Luke 8:22=25


3)      What do you notice about the context of this miracle? Who initiated this boat trip? What does tell us about God’s providence and challenging situations?


4)      Would the disciples normally be frightened on the water? What can we conclude about the seriousness of the situation?


5)      Why do you think Jesus went to sleep? What did God plan through it?


6)      What do you make of Jesus’ response, both his words and his actions?


7)      What was the faith lesson for the disciples (v25)? What did they need to learn?


8)      What are the storms of your life, right now? How can you apply this passage to them? What do you need to remember?


9)      Who do you know, who is facing a storm at this time? How could you demonstrate God’s love and care?


10)  How does this passage help us in mission? What should you pray for in response?Questions:


On Mission with Jesus: Travelling Light


On Mission with Jesus: Sowing The Seed