Drawing on the sending out of the twelve and the feeding of the 5000 (Luke 9:1-17), we are called to travel light, living by faith, as we move forward in mission. Jesus called us not to cling to our material resources and showed that when we give him what we have, he can multiply the blessing.
Sunday 9 March was a special Vision Sunday across all services, when Sarah and Tom shared some exciting proposals and invited the church to respond in prayer, and in practical and financial ways. They shared three vision priorities as we seek to invest in our mission to Ashtead:
New chairs and tables, increasing the flexibility of the St George’s worship area and the comfort and attractiveness of both church centres. This will allow new missional events and activities to take place including more youth, children’s and toddlers’ gatherings and new seniors’ activities, as well as making existing courses and prayer meetings far easier to set up and manage.
A new lectern, plus festoon lighting and pop-up banners, making St George’s and both church centres more welcoming and attractive
Provision of café style seating in the side-aisles at St George’s, with new possibilities for post-service fellowship.
Providing seed-corn funding for new forms of outreach to the parish
Provision of high-quality publicity and where necessary, pay-for advertising of activities
Increased budget for outreach events and courses, including:
Larger and more frequent outreach events for families
Larger and more frequent seniors’ outreach activities
Resourcing more Alpha, Hymns We Love and other evangelistic courses
Other new outreach events aimed at the local community
New part time Worship Development role focussed on mentoring and development of new/young musicians, and oversight and co-ordination of new songs, training and worship-related software/equipment
Increased hours for the Director of Music, to form a new Community Choir:
To take place during the week, as outreach to the local community
With occasional concerts/participation in services
Bringing together church members and those outside the church
Providing enjoyment and new social opportunities
I hope you agree that together they are an exciting set of proposals! They offer tangible benefits for every age group, improving people’s welcome and worshipping experience and creating new opportunities for mission and discipleship.
We are looking to raise £85,000 to pay for these initiatives. Please do give as a generously as you can, mindful that not every church member will be able to.
There are many ways to give, monthly standing order or one-off bank transfer are the most cost effective.
This is a brilliant way to give as we don’t lose a penny to transaction companies! Please use the bank details and include the reference below.
Account name: Ashtead PCC
Sort Code: 12-20-26 | Account Number: 01856792
Vision Sunday Giving Reference: Vision25.surname.initials
Give By Bank Transfer
Gift Aid increases the amount of your gift at no cost to yourself. Through Gift Aid, St Giles’ and St George’s can recover the basic rate of income tax, currently 25p for each pound you give. If you are setting up a standing order or bank transfer and pay UK tax (Income or Capital Gains Tax) please complete this Gift Aid Form.
Don’t Forget Gift Aid!
2. Give with a Credit or Debit Card
If you would prefer to give using your card, please visit our donation page* and select the fund - ‘General Fund - Vision25’
You can set up Gift Aid for your donation too.
*NB some of your donation will go to transaction fees this way, so we encourage you to pay by standing order if regular, or bank transfer if this is a one-off gift.