Mission Partner: Through The Roof (Wheels for the World)

Through the Roof exists to transform lives through Jesus with disabled people. Wheels for the World, one of the international projects of Through The Roof, changes the lives of disabled people and their families in developing countries through the gift of a wheelchair.

3 volunteers from our parish, Gunn and John Fenn and Frances Ogbighele, joined the wheelchair distribution to Kimilili and Eldoret in Kenya in November last year, using their therapy and photography skills.

One story: Pamela, aged 48 was injured in a fire at a young age and lost the use of her legs. The wheelchair she was given has given her newfound mobility which not only enhanced her quality of life but also instilled in her a renewed sense of hope and purpose.

Thank you for your support as a parish and individually, for the part you play in transforming lives of disabled people.

Lent Wheelchairs: If you would like to sponsor a wheelchair for the upcoming trip to Nigeria (20-30 March) or Rwanda (12-22 June), please let me know or download a sponsorship form at throughtheroof.org

Barn Dance Fundraiser - raising money for Wheels for the World - Saturday 27 April at 6pm at St George's Church. Bring and share supper, live band and caller. Tickets available at sgsgashtead.org/events Suggested donation of £8 adults and £5 children. Come together to enjoy fun with family and friends.

Please pray for:

  • All those who receive a wheelchair or mobility aid that they will see their lives transformed for good and know the love of God.

  • The staff and volunteers at Through the Roof that God may bless the vital work they do.

    Karen Goodridge www.throughtheroof.org


Holy Week


Hope Explored