Holy Week

Holy Week is the culmination of a Lenten journey that began on Ash Wednesday. It is a week that recalls and re-enacts the deepestand most fundamental Christian memories.

As we approach the familiar finish line of the cross this year, I would like to encourage us to experience afresh the events that form all that we believe and that shape who we are as Christians by engaging all our senses. As we walk together from the station or the bottom of St Giles’ drive on Palm Sunday, can we see the long line of followers of Jesus reaching back to those first disciples called from the beach?

As we meditate on Monday, and fast on Tuesday, can we hear the still small voice of God? As we eat and recall the last supper, on Maundy Thursday can we taste that last meal that Jesus shared with his disciples? As we have our feet washed, can we feel the presence, provision and care of our Lord? As we reflect upon the cross at the pond service, can we smell the open air (& hot cross buns!)?

When we come to participate in the biggest and most significant event the world has ever seen on Easter Sunday, we can exercise all our physical and spiritual senses to praise the one for whom we exist and give thanks for all he has done. Happy Easter! Rev Sarah Tapp, Associate Minister


He is not here for He has risen


Mission Partner: Through The Roof (Wheels for the World)