Discovering Joy - The Secret of Contentment
Studies on Paul’s Letter to the Philippians for SGSG Small Groups
What would you say was necessary for contentment?
Worship (you could end with this if you prefer)
Spend some time thanking God for the effect this series on Philippians has had, and is having, on your walk with Him. If you have created a group journal it would be good to gather round it and use it to praise God for what you have experienced, learned and recorded.
Contentment 4: 10-19
Paul says he has learned the secret of being content in any and every situation! It sounds as if this has been a life-long journey.
How has he been helped by
the generosity of others? (v 10,14,15,16)
his own attitude to his circumstances? (v 11,12,17,18)
his trust in God (v 10,13,18,19)
How easy or difficult is it for us to be content, particularly in our western culture?
How does Paul’s experience and wisdom help us to find the grace of contentment?
How have you found verse 13 to be true in your own life?
With whom have you entered or with whom could you enter into a partnership of suffering?
What motivates you to do this?
Witness, Care and Prayer
Pray about how your group might get involved in sharing resources with others.
Pray for mission groups you know that aim to meet practical as well as spiritual needs.
Conclude your time together, and this series, by reading together verses 21-23.