On Mission with Jesus

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Sermon Notes: On Mission with Jesus - Luke 4:14-19

Happy New Year, and welcome to this new season and our sermon series ‘On Mission with Jesus’. 

Please use this resource as a guide to your sessions together.  Don’t feel you have to answer every question - If you get stuck on one and it’s fruitful, don’t rush to move on!

As we journey together with Jesus over the next three months, it would be wonderful if as groups you could prayerfully discern what kind of mission you feel we are being called into - and share this with the leadership team.  It might be that your group could come up with something missional that you would like to do together.  This could be something physical, like clearing a garden, picking up litter on the recreation ground, decorating a house together, or something that requires writing letters, lobbying, or simply committing to pray for one of our mission partners or for any other type of mission that you feel collectively called to support. 

Take time to each time you meet to pray into this, and wait for God to provide direction. 

Luke 4:14-19

1.          What do you think the difference is between mission and ministry?

2.          How do you think Jesus knows what his mission is?

3.          Why did Jesus need a manifesto, a statement of mission?

4.          What is the most exciting mission that you have been involved in?

5.          Do you think God is calling you into something specific right now?

6.          If you could do anything at all that was missional for Jesus in this season what would you choose? Is there anything stopping you?

7.          What puts us off doing mission?

8.          What do you need to do to prepare yourself for the season ahead - what can you help one another with - could you keep each other accountable to your goals?

9.          Pray for the church in this new season; pray we would be open to the Holy Spirit’s prompting, that we would be faithful and obedient in discerning our mission to Ashtead.

10.     Pray for each other; pray for discernment for what part each of you will play in the coming season


On Mission with Jesus: First Things First


Discovering Joy - The Secret of Contentment