On Mission with Jesus: Matters of Judgement

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We hope you have enjoyed the series so far, and that it is providing both encouragement and challenge to step out in mission to Ashtead (and beyond) with confidence.  Do remember to let us know (email Sarah Tapp) if your group decides to do or support a particular mission - it would be a great encouragement to other groups that we could share!  You can look back to the notes from week one for some pointers. 


Before you begin to think about the passage and the questions, take some time together to worship God, perhaps sing (‘God I look to You’ by Bethel music would be fitting, or anything else you feel drawn to) or quietly reflect upon the cross.  You could open in prayer with some affirmations about God that arose from singing or reflecting. 

Bible Study:

Please use these questing as a guide to your discussions, don’t feel you need to answer every question - Just do what is fruitful for discussion and prayer for your group.  *All a session leader needs to do is make space for discussion and help to engage and include everyone. 

Read the passage - Luke 6:37-49

1.      There are four vivid word sketches in verses 39-45 - What are they? How does each of them provide a ‘solution’ that leaves the deeper problem unsolved?

2.      Are there things in your life that lead you to look for ‘specks’ in the eyes of others, whilst ignoring the ‘plank’ in your own eye?

3.      How would you like your heart to be more like the kind Jesus seeks?  What do you need to do or stop doing to allow that to happen?

4.      What would a wise builder need to do in you to make you a firm foundation for mission?

5.      What does this passage say to us about how to do mission? What should our starting point be?  How can we prepare?


The most fitting end to a session like this might be one of repentance and confession.  Take some time as a group to quietly reflect and confess, asking God for forgiveness for the times you have been preoccupied with the ‘specks’ of others whilst ignoring the ‘planks’ in your own life.  Then in prayer ask God to prepare your hearts for His mission here in Ashtead and beyond.


On Mission with Jesus: Good News for Everyone - Luke 7:1-17, 36-50


On Mission with Jesus: Missionary Values