On Mission with Jesus: Good News for Everyone - Luke 7:1-17, 36-50

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As we continue in this series, you may notice that preachers use different parts of the allocated readings to highlight what they feel God is saying to us as a community.  I based my talk around the first part of the reading, Luke 7:1-10, others who preached may have focused more heavily on the other stories featured in the passages.  If you have time, try to listen to one of the preachers you didn’t hear on Sunday to see what perspective God brings out of their teaching. 


Before you approach this week’s passages, spend a short time fixing your eyes on God, picture Him gazing upon you.  Know his goodness, forgiveness and deep unconditional love for you.


Look back over the past week, think about how you responded and interacted with people and situations, at home, at work, in church, and online.  Ask the Holy Spirit to help you see if there are areas in which you may have exhibited prejudice or a bias in the way that you saw and understood people and situations.  Spend some time in confession, knowing that if you are honest and straightforward with God you will receive his full forgiveness - see 1 John 1:8-10.

Bible Study:

Please use these questions as a guide to your discussions, don’t feel you need to answer every question - Just do what is fruitful for discussion and prayer for your group. 

Read the passage - Luke 7:1-17, 36-50

1.       A Centurion was a Roman soldier who would have been in charge of around 100 or more other soldiers.  What do we learn about him in the first 10 verses?

2.       Generally, it is others who are amazed by what Jesus does - what is it that so amazed Jesus in this passage? 

3.       Are there any other passages you can think of that record Jesus being amazed? What do they have in common with this one?

4.       How can the words of the centurion in verses 6-8 be a challenge to us?

5.       Place yourself in the scene of verse 11-17.  What do you see, hear and feel?  Where is the faith in this story?

6.       What do both these stories say about Jesus’ role, vocation and mission?

7.       What do verses 36-50 say about Jesus, Simon, and the woman in the story?

8.       How have these stories challenged you?  What might you do as a result? 


Spend some time praying about the challenges, and the comforts that these passages have brought.  Ask God to prepare your hearts to be - faithful as He is faithful, inclusive as he is inclusive, loving as he is loving. 


On Mission with Jesus: Sowing The Seed


On Mission with Jesus: Matters of Judgement