On Mission with Jesus: Missionary Values

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Dear all,

Please find attached the fourth week of Life Group notes for On Mission With Jesus. As we said last week, don’t feel you have to answer every question. And if a question is going well please stick with it – there no need to rush through!

Please pray before you meet, before you begin the session and as you finish, to help ensure the applications sink home and bear fruit.


Here are the questions:

1)      When have you grown most in your faith? Were any of these through tough times?

2)      What struck you from the sermon on Sunday?

In this passage, Jesus warns us about the challenges we can face as Christians. Read Luke 6:17-36.

3)      In what ways are the people of vs 20-23 blessed? How can you apply that to your life?

4)      How do vs 24-26 challenge you? What should you do in response?

5)      Give some examples of people loving their enemies. What impact did it have on the giver and receiver(s)?

6)      Is vs 27-31 ‘door-mat Christianity’? If not, why not?

7)      How willing are you to do good to those who can’t repay you? What opportunities do you have to do that?

8)      What motivations does Jesus give to obey his teaching (vs35-6). What should we pray for in response?


On Mission with Jesus: Matters of Judgement


On Mission with Jesus: Who can we Bring