On Mission with Jesus: Sowing The Seed

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1)      When have you grown the most in your faith? How do you explain it? How did it make you feel?

2)      When have you witnessed most to your faith? How did that make you feel?

Read Luke 8:1-15

3)      As Jesus tells this parable, what are his objectives for the crowd? What are his objectives for his disciples?

4)      What leaps out at you from the story, hearing it afresh? Is there anything you’ve never noticed previously?

5)      What can we learn from the farmer? Where should we scatter? What does ‘sowing generously’ mean for us?

6)      What do you notice about the seed on the path? What does that represent in our time and culture?

7)      What about the seed on the rock? What does that represent today?

8)      What are the thorns for us? How can we best cope with them or remove them?

9)      What can we learn from what’s said about the seed on good soil?

10)  What should we do differently, in response to this parable? How should we pray?


On Mission with Jesus: Good News for Everyone - Luke 7:1-17, 36-50