On Mission with Jesus: First Things First

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On Mission With Jesus Week 2: First Things First

Dear all,

Please find attached the second week of Life Group notes for On Mission With Jesus. As we said last week, don’t feel you have to answer every question. And if a question is going well please stick with it – there no need to rush through!

This session is all about the fundamentals – knowing what we’re called to as disciples. And knowing the one we are following and his extraordinary power and love.

Please pray before you meet, before you begin the session and as you finish, to help ensure the applications sink home and bear fruit.


1)      Give an example of when you witnessed something extraordinary. What impact did it have on you? What did you do as a result?

Read Luke 5:1-11

2)      What’s the context of this passage? Who is Jesus with? Had he met any of them before?

3)      What leaps out at you from the story? Is there anything you’ve never noticed previously? What questions do you have?

4)      Why do you think Jesus does this miracle? What is it designed to show?

5)      What must Peter and the other fisherman have been thinking when Jesus gave the instruction? Why does Peter obey?

6)      Explain Peter’s reaction to the miracle? What does he get right? What does he get wrong?

7)      What can we learn from Peter’s reaction? What about from Jesus’ response?

8)      What does this passage tell us about joining in with the mission? What encourages us in it? What barriers does it address?

9)      What does this passage tell us about discipleship? (v11) Are you willing to respond as those first disciples do?

10)  How would God want this passage to change us? Pray for those things and for the other needs of the group.


On Mission with Jesus: Who can we Bring


On Mission with Jesus