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Mission Partner: Leatherhead Start
Mission Partner: Leatherhead Start is a unique service in Mole Valley, supporting local people who find themselves in crisis, without a place to call home. Last year we gave temporary shelter to 36 men and women, supporting them to improve their health and wellbeing and move on to more settled accommodation.
Mission Partner: Besom ‘Unlocking God’s purpose in you, through meeting the needs of others’
Besom is a Christian charity whose purpose is to connect Christians who wish to give and serve with local people who are in need in the Ashtead, Leatherhead and Epsom area.
New Wine
What makes a group of relatively normal people spend their precious holiday camping in the rain on a very basic site where cattle sheds are considered the height of luxury? And do it again the next year and then the next? And then persuade their friends and family to join them to do the same? The answer is …..New Wine.
Mission Partner: Yala Widows & Orphans Support Project (YAWOSUP)
YAWOSUP is headed up by Edward Wata and operates in rural Western Kenya, focused on community development work to improve education, health, farming and housing for local residents, both young and old.
Volunteering at St Giles' School
For the past 18 months I have been helping out at St Giles’ School with spiritual aspects of the curriculum. This has involved setting up and running a prayer space (which changes each half term in line with the school values), running a weekly lunchtime club, taking assemblies, inviting the families to church once a term and experimenting with occasional events at the Dell for the families.
Mission Partner: ALDAG
ALDAG’s mission is to promote the inclusion of people with learning disabilities into their local community life, through developing social and supported employment opportunities through several enterprises.
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
Early in May, 20 parishioners, from across all congregations of St Giles' and St George’s churches, made a wonderful trip to the Holy Land. We spent 4 nights in Jerusalem, 1 night at the Dead Sea and 3 nights by the Sea of Galilee.
Mission Partner: Karen Border Ministries (KBM) Thailand
Five years after our last visit, before Covid hit, we finally made it out to visit Noh Bo Academy (NBA), part of the Karen Border Ministry (KBM) which Christ Church Bangkok administers. They are unfailingly grateful for Ashtead's support.
A farewell message from Richard
Thank you for the privilege of serving the Lord as your Rector for nearly eight years. Thank you for all that you are in Christ and how you have blessed us in many ways. As we move on to Anerley, in south east London, we leave with memories of the kindness, generosity, faithfulness and initiative of so many here.
Mission Partner: Christian Aid
Esther Saizi lives in Malawi - a baker, farmer, leader and a woman strong in faith and hope. For ten years Esther grew pigeon peas. She has never received a fair price from exploitative middlemen and was devastated as a violent storm washed away her crops. She felt powerless in the face of the fierce weather caused by climate crisis.
Annual Parochial Church Meeting
Easter reminds us that when we look at the Cross it is now empty. Jesus is risen! The other bit of good news is that he is always alongside, guiding and inspiring us. What can be less comforting is that now He is risen we are his hands and feet … we get to do the work whilst being guided and inspired.
There are many ways of serving the current and future of St Giles’ and St George’s, but none are as strategic as serving on the Parochial Church Council.
Mission Partner: Interserve
Envision, Equip, Engage
The Interserve community works alongside the church in nations across Asia & the Arab world wherever there are opportunities to share the love of Jesus with Asian & Arab peoples. Their partners seek to bring about meaningful and lasting transformations in the people they work with through Jesus.
The Hope of The Cross
In all our services on Easter Sunday, everyone will be invited to do something very special – participate in a small act that is full of symbolism.
During the service, you’ll be given a fresh flower and invited to place it on the cross.
Mission Partner: Through The Roof
In the middle of January, a Through the Roof team of three, from Kenya, Tanzania and the UK, converged on Kigali where they were met by Rwandan partner, Rev Dominique. They headed north to Nyagatare and Kayonza where they joined the Rwandan team.
The Season of Lent
Spending time with someone who is special is, I find, special.
As we continue to grow as beloved followers of Jesus, I’d like to encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity provided by the season of Lent.
Mission Partner: BeMe Project
Be Me Project runs courses to enhance positive mental wellbeing and develop better self esteem, confidence and resilience. The charity supports girls and boys in secondary school and women in the community who are struggling with anxiety, low self esteem or other emotional issues.
Mission Partner: Mothers’ Union
Mothers’ Union is a global family committed to sharing God’s love through practical action, spiritual sustenance and compassion. As an international Christian movement, our 4 million members across 84 countries work together to help transform lives in the world’s hardest-to-reach families and communities. With kindness, courage and compassionate action, we will not stop until we live in a world free of violence, poverty and injustice, where everyone can thrive…
Mission Partner: Alternatives Trust
St Giles’ and St George’s is delighted to continue supporting Alternatives Trust